Akin to a garden,

The terrain of the body, soul and mind requires distinct nourishment dependent on individual factors in order to flourish. Nourishing Terrains specifically considers the inter-connectedness of how different bodily systems and external factors impact and contribute in the balance of one’s ecology when striving for optimal personal health.

Book your free 15 min discovery call

Hi there,

I am Lauren Windsor, an accredited clinical nutritionist with a Bachelor degree of Health and Science (BHSc) in Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine.

I love helping people and seeing positive health outcomes whilst working together with clients. I’ll help cut through all the conflicting health and nutrition advice out there, by tailoring individual nutritional advice best suited to you. With small steps, achievable goals, dedication and an easy going approach, I’m committed to being part of your healthy journey.

Read my story


1:1 Nutritional Consultations

During Nutritional consultations, an understanding around the client's bodily systems function, dietary intake, lifestyle, medical and family health history, and review medication and pathology results is gathered. Armed with evidence based research and consideration of the client's individual values, beliefs and preferences, a tailored treatment plan is created. Instal, second follow-up and return consultations are available

Meal Planning

Are you stuck for ideas for healthy eating for yourself and/or your family? Would you like an individually tailored and nutritionally balanced two-week meal plan that suits your unique physical, nutritional and
lifestyle needs? Then this service is for you.

Meal Prepping

Are you time poor or find prepping healthy nutritious food too much work? Let me come into your kitchen, do my magic and prepare delicious nutritionally balanced meals and snacks for you.